How to show your pet dog to get his leash

This is a very easy trick to show if you have a pet dog who willingly picks things up and carries them. If you have a pet dog who’s not a big fan of holding items in his mouth, don’t worry. I’ll give you some tips.

The following post includes the steps I used to show my own pet dog to get his leash, but they must only be used as a guide. You know your pet dog best, so feel complimentary to tailor this anyway you’d like.

First, show the pet dog to “take” items in his mouth.

You can use the command “take” or “take it” to tell your pet dog to take the item in his mouth. To do this, start out by using objects that are attractive to your pet dog such as a favorite rope toy, or a squeaky toy. Shake the item around a bit to tease your pet dog if he’s uninterested. once the pet dog “takes” the item in his mouth, praise him and give him a highly valued treat. Repeat this about five times and quit.

Practice in short sessions a few times per day, eventually using a lot more challenging items. depending on how eager your pet dog is to “take” the items, you may not need to use treats every time.

Add the “hold” command

To get your pet dog to remain holding an object, you have a few options. Some dogs may voluntarily hold an item because it makes them feel proud! If that’s the case, encourage your pet dog by telling him what a good kid he is. You may or may not need to add an extra command such as “hold.”

If your pet dog needs a little a lot more encouragement to keep holding the item, you can gently put your hands on his mouth and say calmly and slowly, “Hooolllllld. Gooood booooy.” then give the drop command followed by a treat and lots of praise. At first, you must only expect your pet dog to hold the item for two or three seconds, but you can gradually increase the time to five seconds, 10 seconds and so on. The main thing is not to train the pet dog too quickly.

My pet dog had an much easier time holding an item if he carried it while walking. I just handed him his leash and started walking in the living room. He happily carried it and followed me.

How to show your pet dog to get his leash

Once your pet dog is comfortable holding items in his mouth, you can begin teaching the command, “Get your leash.” The crucial is to break it into very basic steps so your pet dog is successful.

Step 1: Fold the leash up into a small bundle.

Hold it ideal up to your dog’s mouth and say “Get your leash.” If he needs some encouragement, shake the leash a bit to tease him. If you need to, you can try to gently open your dog’s mouth to encourage him to take the leash. Some dogs may like to get hold of the leash when it’s not folded up, and that’s fine too.

If he takes the leash in his mouth for even one second, give him a treat and lots of praise. “What a good boy! Yay!” Repeat this about five to 10 times and quit.

Step 2: Place the leash on the floor directly in front of him and say “Get your leash.”

It helps to point directly at the leash. Some dogs will catch on ideal away and pick it up. If so, treat and praise.

If your pet dog is confused or unwilling to pick it up, don’t repeat the command. just wait a few seconds and see what he does. If you stand there silently for a few seconds, some dogs will try to figure out what to do and they might try to pick up the leash.

If he continues to sit there staring at you, it’s ok to pick the leash up and hand it to him. then give him lots of praise like he just won the lottery. Repeat that a few times and he’ll soon catch on – “Oh! You want me to pick it up off the floor? मैले देखें!”

Step 3: slowly increase the distance between your pet dog and the leash.

Start out by setting the leash about three feet away. then four or five feet, then six feet and so on. At this point your pet dog may not be bringing the leash all the way to you. but if he’s at least walking over to it and picking it up, that’s great! keep boosting the distance but do so very slowly so your pet dog is successful and not confused. keep using treats to reward.

Step 4: encourage your pet dog to bring you the leash.

At this point, your pet dog is ready to walk halfway across the room to pick up his leash. When he picks it up, encourage him to come to you with the leash in his mouth. then give him lots of praise! If your pet dog knows the command “hold,” this is where it becomes very useful.

If your pet dog drops the leash before bringing it to you, then decrease the distance between you and your dog. You can help your pet dog out by putting the leash back in his mouth and swiftly backing away a foot so he naturally follows you. then give him lots of praise if he brings you the leash.

As your pet dog is successful, slowly increase the distance bतपाईं र तपाईंको कुकुर बीच। यो मेरो कुकुरको लागि सबैभन्दा गाह्रो चरण थियो, त्यसैले केवल व्यक्तिगत हुनुहोस् र सुरुमा धेरै अपेक्षा नगर्नुहोस्। सकारात्मक र प्रोत्साहनजनक हुनुहोस् ताकि तपाईंको घरपालुवा जनावर कुकुर रमाईलो गर्दैछ।

चरण :: तपाईंको घरपालुवा कुकुरलाई धेरै कडा दागहरूबाट उसको पट्टा प्राप्त गर्न प्रोत्साहित गर्नुहोस्।

एकचोटि तपाईंको घरपालुवा जनावर कुकुरले अवधारणामा राम्रो व्यवस्थापन गरेको जस्तो देखिन्छ “तपाईंको पट्टा” हुनुहोस् “तपाईं यसलाई तपाईंको कुकुरको लागि धेरै गाह्रो बनाउन सक्नुहुनेछ। उदाहरण को लागी, तपाईं सोफे मा बसिरहेका हुन सक्नुहुन्छ र जब तपाईं “आफ्नो पट्टा प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्” उनी जान सक्थे र पछाडि आपूर्ति रैकबाट समात्नुहोस्।

केवल व्यक्तिगत र प्रोत्साहनजनक हुनुहोस् र नयाँ चुनौतिहरूको प्रयास गर्न तपाईंको घरपालुवा जनावरलाई सन्तुष्ट राख्न जारी राख्नुहोस्।

अतिरिक्त सुझाव:

कुकुरहरू हिंड्न मन पराउँथे, तपाईं जहिले पनि आफ्नो घरपालुवा कुकुरलाई “आफ्नो पट्टा प्राप्त गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ” हिंड्नु अघि। तपाईं यस कार्य गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ जुन तपाईं भित्र हुनुहुन्छ प्रशिक्षणको कुन चरणमा। उदाहरणका लागि, यदि तपाईं चरणमा हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईं “तपाईंको पट्टा प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्” र सिधा तपाईंको कुकुरको मुखको अगाडि पकड गर्नुहोस्। जब उसले यसलाई लिन्छ, उसलाई धेरै प्रशंसा दिनुहोस् र हिंड्नको लागि बाहिर निस्कनुहोस्।

त्यहाँ घरपालुवा जनावर कुकुरलाई कुनै पनि आदेश देखाउनको लागि धेरै तरिकाहरू छन्, त्यसैले तपाईले मेरो योजनाको ठ्याक्कै पालना गर्नु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्दैन। तपाईंको घरपालुवा जनावर कुकुर एक विशेष व्यक्ति हो, त्यसैले तपाईंको आफ्नै कुकुरको लागि कुनै पनि हिसाबले यी विचारहरू समायोजन गर्न प्रशंसायारी महसुस गर्नुहोस्। त्यसोभए मलाई भन्नुहोस् के तपाईंले टिप्पणीहरूमा गर्नुभयो।

कसरी तपाईंले आफ्नो पाल्तु जनावर कुकुरलाई उसको पट्टा प्राप्त गर्न देखाउनुभयो?

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