Breed profile: German shepherd (coated)

I wrote a previous post about German shepherds, but failed to mention the coated German shepherd. So Jenny Gregorich volunteered to write about this very crucial shepherd.

When a lot of people see my dog, Duke, for the first time, I usually get two responses.

The first is, wow he is big, and the second is always what kind of pet dog is he? a lot of people are then confused or shocked by my answer. He is a purebred German shepherd. but then I always have to add that he is a coated or long-haired German shepherd. He also happens to have one ear that never stood as a puppy, even after taping it up.

Coated German shepherds are the same as the German shepherds you are used to seeing.

They cannot be shown in the show ring as they are considered a default, which is how I came about getting Duke. They can also come in the same coat colors – black & tan, sable and black, just to name a few. There are also varying lengths of hair on coated shepherds. duke has shorter hair than I’ve seen on a few other coated German shepherds.

The coated gene is recessive, so you will only find it in certain bloodlines, and a lot of people who are severe about showing try to avoid having a coated puppy in their litter.

The coated gene does not affect their working ability and lots of even become police dogs and search and rescue dogs. As always, try to rescue a pet dog or get from a responsible breeder. This is especially crucial with a German shepherd as bad breeding could cause lots of problems.

Potential advantages to owning a German shepherd:

1. They are an all-purpose dog. They have lots of different uses from leading the blind to searching for drugs.

2. They are eager to learn, loyal, obedient and intelligent.

3. They are terrific with children.

4. They are active dogs and will do well with a family who loves to run and play outside. Some German shepherds have even lived in the White House!

Potential downsides of owning a German shepherd:

1. They need to be well-socialized as puppies. An unsocialized German shepherd can turn into a very indicate and aggressive pet dog towards humans and other pets.

2. They shed. धेरै। especially the coated German shepherds.

3. bad breeding can cause hip and elbow dysplasia. If buying, try to get a puppy from parents who have at least a good OFA certification.

4. because of their reputation, breed bans in rentals and insurance issues may arise.

Thanks to Jenny for sharing this info about coated German shepherds.

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