PETA states some foster houses are no much better than puppy mills

nobody truly takes PETA seriously.

Remind me to tell you about my task interview with PETA sometime. That was something!

I tend to disregard PETA on this blog, however just recently I checked out about a PETA representative opposing San Diego County’s new no-kill policy.

Yes, people for the honest treatment of animals is against no-kill animal sheltering.

But first, let’s get to the interesting news in San Diego!

San Diego region is No Kill!

The San Diego region animal shelters revealed last month that as of July 1, 2015 they will no longer kill animals since of a lack of space. They will only euthanize (in the true sense of the word) animals that are really suffering or as well vicious to be adopted.

It’s inspiring to be in a county where the shelters as well as rescues are working together. This includes a number of non-profit organizations as well as rescue groups in addition to the county’s animal services.

Here is one of the dogs I satisfied at a recent adoption event for Labs & much more of San Diego:

The San Diego Union Tribune composed about the county’s new no-kill policy here. The short article discusses whatever well as well as focuses on the programs the shelters have been working on such as:


Opening a behavioral center to assist rehabilitate dogs

Launching a program that provides totally free or subsidized spaying as well as neutering

Opening a 24-hour kitten nursery, which has discovered houses for 10,000 cats

Expanding foster-home programs as well as always seeking extra foster homes


All excellent news, right?

Sure, there will be challenges. No kill is never easy, however it’s excellent to see such a major discussion as well as goal. checked out much more on what no kill shelters are doing differently.

OK, go into PETA.

A typical issue with news stories associated to animal welfare is that reporters try to cover “both sides” of the issue, providing equal time to both.

Reporters will sometimes interview one person from each “side,” even if the person on the opposing side is actually the only one in opposition.

Fair as well as balanced?

The KC canine blog has written about this problem here in relation to breed bans as well as harmful canine laws. When just a handful of people are in favor of a breed ban, they are commonly provided equal representation in the media even when the majority of experts, canine enthusiasts as well as individuals are opposed to breed bans.

Unfortunately, the San Diego story is a great example of this attempt to stay “fair as well as balanced.” The reporter had to phone call all the method to Virginia to discover the token person who obviously opposes San Diego’s new policy. Yep … hello, PETA!

From the Union Tribune: (Bold emphasis mine.)

Teresa Chargrin, animal care as well as manage expert for people for the honest treatment of Animals, stated from Virginia on Wednesday that the coalition’s efforts [sic] however expressed caution about broadening the number of foster houses as well quickly. other shelters around the country have discovered that some foster houses exploit the animals as well as are no much better than puppy mills, she said.

Read the full short article here.

Foster houses are no better than puppy mills?

Really? Yikes.

Chargrin goes on to state no kill is a “noble goal” (as though it’s never been achieved) as well as shelters have been “working on it for decades.”

What she doesn’t mention is there are currently much more than 233 documented no-kill neighborhoods in the United States. view them all here (listed down the right-hand side).

The Union Trib doesn’t mention anybody from San Diego who is opposed to the new policy. It seems irrelevant to include somebody all the method from Virginia who does. But, you understand …

The excellent news is so numerous neighborhoods around the country are embracing the idea of no kill!

What are a few of the things your neighborhood is doing to save much more dogs as well as cats?

मलाई टिप्पणीहरूमा बुझाउनुहोस्!

सम्बन्धित पोष्टहरू:

How to rapidly get Dogs embraced – Decreasing stay Time at Shelters

Why Do You Foster Dogs Or Cats?

How No-Kill Shelters save much more Dogs & Cats

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