One bit dog’s story – Barkley the Yorkie mix

A bit story about a bit dog named Barkley

Sometimes I believe I foster dogs for the higher good. It seems like the right thing to do. I like dogs. I definitely tolerate dogs. I understand a great deal about dogs. There are always more dogs that requirement temporary houses as they shift to a much better life.

On the other hand, I’m quite sure I foster dogs for selfish reasons. It makes me feel valued. A dog likes me no matter what, even if we just met. even if I make all type of mistakes.

Barkley is one of those dogs. He came with a unique set of “issues.” I want to assist him, however assisting Barkley is likewise a method to assist myself.

Everyone wishes to understand “the story” behind every rescue dog. Was he abandoned? Was he a mill dog? From the pound?

And if we don’t understand these stories, we produce our own.

Barkley might be one of those dogs, too. A dog with a made-up story about exactly how he was abused as well as abandoned. I might be his hero.

An insecure dog

Barkley has a difficult time dealing with stress. On our drive home, he shook the whole time. A great deal of dogs will speed in the cars and truck or try to climb into the front seat. If I get out, they may bounce from seat to seat or scratch at the window. Barkley just shook, frozen.

At our house, Barkley had to discover exactly how to go up as well as down the stairs.

When I moved a pillow from the couch to the floor, he wouldn’t go near that pillow.

He has a difficult time comprehending when it’s risk-free to walk with our glass patio door as well as when it is not.

In unusual instances, if I move towards him in a specific method with a specific energy, he lashes out. Or sometimes he just crouches truly low as well as urinates.

The bad dog, you may say.

And if I didn’t understand Barkley’s story, I as well would most likely piece together some tale about his distressed past.

Sadly, there are dogs available being abused. अहिले। as well as there are dogs available that have experienced violence. There are dogs that are suffering.

Barkley is not one of those dogs.

Most dogs have not been abused, not even insecure dogs like Barkley.

Here’s the genuine story about this bit dog:

Barkley resided in a house with the exact same person for almost three years. as well as she most likely liked him.


There are no fill in the blanks. This dog has had a great life.

The only unfortunate piece to Barkley’s story might be from the extremely beginning.

He originally came from a pet shop – pets R’ Inn at West Acres shopping center in Fargo, N.D.

He is a “designer” dog. half Yorkie. half Maltese/Lhasa Apso.

That opens up a whole new discussion, I know. as well as what it highlights is that a dog’s breeding can determine rather a bit. Likewise, the very first few weeks of a pup’s life, whether they are nurturing or not, have lasting impacts on the dog he will become.

We can’t modification that for Barkley. We can only move forward. That’s what he wants. That’s what every dog wants.

What’s the story of this bit dog?

His “story” is a great one. It will end happily. There’s likely an adoption in the works. He has a great deal to look ahead to.

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